Sunday, February 27, 2005

Off World Planetary Defense Systems

Located along the Icon Highway, the newly installed Off World Planetary Defense System launch site operates two silos that spew forth Gryphon Mk-V Missiles every 70 seconds. While based on older technology, this time tested design is perfect as an asteroid or space-junk killer.

It is however, worthy to note that the Gryphon series missile also pollutes the air with toxins known to cause sudden brain death in cock roaches and is also likely to drop spent booster stages down on the local population… which makes it serendipitous that Off World is so sparsely populated. Historically though, there is only one case of a used booster cell causing any injury and that was quite some time back when one fell on Hazel Glumnoodle’s house which led her to think the world was coming to an end and thereby free to bash her husband over the head with a shovel. She was later convicted of possessing a deadly garden implement and sentenced to 30 years on a pain farm. Mr. Glumnoodle survived both the divorce and the incident... and is now an office manager for State Prison Farm Insurance.

Zoom, zoom…………….


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