Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Atmoshphere Creation and Ocean Management

The ice drilling formed a large ocean as a by product. The Commanders met to decide what to do in managing this situation. Topics of interest were aquatic life, cloud formation, and the regeneration of the atmosphere. To that end, a commission was formed. The new commission's task will be to undertake coordination, regulation and management of cooperative operational marine observing programs. It will develop global exchange mechanisms for ocean data, and coordinate the provision of enhanced ocean services for all marine users.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Two New Ships in the Fleet

A new robot probe ship is now part of the fleet. Its mission is to conduct long range recon. It is not armed and is therefore authorized to be independent. The HAL 1200 on board has no record of malfunction and plays a lively game of chess.

A new cargo ship designed to carry Navy Rations has joined the fleet as well. Contrary to popular rumor it is NOT carrying naval oranges.

Monday, July 18, 2005

1960s Era Spacecraft Found by Navy

During the recent power up of Carrier 61's station holding impellers, ice melted on the surface. A spacecraft with a nomenclature of "Moon" Coupe and the word "Police" on the side was discovered. The ships logs while paper based were readable. One of the last pilots listed was a "Dick Tracy" There is no record of a "Dick Tracy" pilot in the naval archives however a New York metro detective circa 1960s by that name was identified. Soil analysis from deposits inside the craft matched the moon of Earth. More alarming and greater intrest was the antigravity drive which is unknown technology. Earth in 1960 had no spacecraft sporting such an advanced propulsion system. A check of the drive components shows that all the parts making up the drive are in fact from 1960. This discovery may indicate the existance of another space faring race and a potential danger to the colony. The Navy group will assume a higher threat profile. Estimates of the speed capability of the craft support the contention that it made the trip from earth to Off World but the crew would be long dead.

Use caution approching coordinates Click Here

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Hospital Ship Mercy Arrives

Recently arrived, the Mercy joins the Navy group 61 task force. When not deployed in support of the task force the Mercy will provide medical support to the colony. The Mercy carries two medical shuttles and the alert staff is on a 24/7 alert. The mercy is currently docked aft of carrier 61.