Wednesday, July 05, 2006

CY Icon Unearthed

A strange iridescent icon, found while the alien origin archeology team was conducting a dig in the excavations for a new building, is of terrestrial origin. Left on Off World centuries ago by a group calling themselves the Cy Award(psychic?) travelers, it confounds the experts. There was a prediction engraved on the back of the icon stating that a colony know as Off World was the “best community” in the universe for the year 2006. The inscription named all of the current builders in Off World. It is possible that the find is somehow associated with recent historical anomalies related to current operational time tunnel problems. How anyone on Earth that long ago could know of the Off World colony is a mystery.

The icon is on display in the Off World Museum. Anyone having additional knowledge of how the CY Award travelers mastered universal teleportation should report to the Off World Office of Naval Intelligence. Universe capable teleportation systems offer significant tactical advantaged to the Navy and the economy as a whole.


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