Is Tunablues in the Hands of Terrorists?
The OWPS (Off World Private Spaceship) TB001 is missing. It left the colony several months ago with Tunablues, a founder of the colony, on board. The voyage to the outer asteroid belt was expected to take a month. An extension of the flight plan to a colony called Pata was submitted and approved after the ship left the asteroids. Pata being some what under-staffed failed to report the arrival of the OWPS TB001 until recently. A routine check on open fight plans by Off World Space Operations discovered the reporting error and the ship is officially currentl listed as missing.
The Office of Off World Naval Intelligence released classified documents recently indicating that the ship was in fact seized in open space by a terrorist group calling themselves the “Real World Issues” The RWI is holding Tunablues pending the resolution of as yet unspecified demands. The ship transponder was functioning and the Off World Navy Department recoverd the empty ship and returned it to the Navy Yard. The only evidence of occupancy was an emptied sixpac in the fridge. The fleet is on standby alert.
Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Tunablues should contact the Office of Naval Intelligence at once. There is no reward. The ship having been recovered under the adjusted Space Maritime Property Recovery Act became the property of the Off World Navy. “Freedom Isn’t Free!”
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