Space Prison
The holding facilities located in the Navy Yard longer adequate to support a growing population of criminals and political misfits. Therefore the Navy constructed a prison in orbit. The prison was christened the “UbetterRepente” and it is a maximum-security facility offering midrange amenities to the prison population. The prison as the same handling characteristics of a large cargo ship and is capable of shifting orbit and maintaining station. The overall population of prisoners will be sent in the near future. The primary advantage of placing the prison outside of the atmosphere is the guarantee that no one will tunnel out as has occurred on numerous occasions at the facility located in the Navy Yard. However, the OffWorld Navy is taking no chances and will maintain a minimum of two Star destroyers capable of destroying individual ships or the entire prison if necessary. The inmate danger index is considered sufficient to maintain a credible threat thereby reducing the possibility of a prison riot.
Universal Teleport Coordinates:aw 31892.65N 31570.16E 92.75a 184