Saturday, December 30, 2006

Space Prison

The holding facilities located in the Navy Yard longer adequate to support a growing population of criminals and political misfits. Therefore the Navy constructed a prison in orbit. The prison was christened the “UbetterRepente” and it is a maximum-security facility offering midrange amenities to the prison population. The prison as the same handling characteristics of a large cargo ship and is capable of shifting orbit and maintaining station. The overall population of prisoners will be sent in the near future. The primary advantage of placing the prison outside of the atmosphere is the guarantee that no one will tunnel out as has occurred on numerous occasions at the facility located in the Navy Yard. However, the OffWorld Navy is taking no chances and will maintain a minimum of two Star destroyers capable of destroying individual ships or the entire prison if necessary. The inmate danger index is considered sufficient to maintain a credible threat thereby reducing the possibility of a prison riot.

Universal Teleport Coordinates:aw 31892.65N 31570.16E 92.75a 184

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Is tunablues the same being?

Tunablues returned to central command today after being rescued by dreamer2. A few officers have voiced concern since he was tortured with mind altering drugs. The testing lab has noted no secrets were revealed by tunablues to the enemy, but they are closely monitoring his present mental processes.
He seems sluggish in his speech and quiet in his approach to duties.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

New Empire Media Storm

New Empire Productions created a major stir in the colony. Before the advent of New Empire Productions, entertainment in the colony was restricted to limited videos brought from Earth. Most of these programs are approaching the viewed 5000 times point and many citizens can quote dialog entirely from memory without error.

Since the founding of the colony there was insufficient time for the production of local fare due to daily mining requirements and the time consuming process of making air and purifying water. Without coordinating with colony officials, citizen Redoubt managed to hide the efforts of a dedicated team of videographers and created stunning documentaries about OffWorld. The point about personnel missing shifts was discussed however it was decided that Redoubt and his people rendered a valuable service to the sprits of all involved in the daily grind of making the OffWorld Colony a go. General amnesty was therefore granted contingent on the further production of educational and general entertainment fare.

These videos may be viewed on demand at the New Empire Productions Cinema. There is no concession stands but microwave popcorn may be brought in provided the on site microwave ovens are used at $100.00 a minute charge (Popcorn generally takes 2 minutes to pop so plan ahead or take a loan out). New videos are expected in the future and possibly the colony's first game show.

Universal Teleport Coordinates: aw 31502.92N 31671.04E 2.19a 182 -

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Asteroid Ship Taken

The OffWorld Navy intercepted an unregistered ice mining ship, the "Ethan Allen", in the asteroid belt. The miners claimed to be working the belt for water ice to be delivered to the Pata Colony. An inspection of the invoice and cargo manifest indicated they were transporting 2000mega liters of water but the patrol scan indicated they were in fact 2 liters short. Therefore under the Cargo Inspection Act the ship and the entire Cargo was taken. The Colony water authority was delighted with the increase in frozen water ice having experienced a degree of set back in local mining efforts. The ship being carved form a metal asteroid itself is difficult to maneuver but is well suited for clandestine work in the asteroid belt where pirates and terrorists continue to attack the shipping lanes. The fleet Admiral was not with out compassion for the previous owners of the ship and graciously provided free transportation through the OffWorld Transport Company back to Pata. He was over heard to tell the departing crew that the action was regrettable and that he was truly sorry but, "Freedom Isn't Free!"

Universal Teleport AW 31823.75N 31651.49E 5.21a 352

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Articles and Specific Acts of the OffWorld Navy

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Article 1
The Navy is charged with protection of the colony and to rid routes of commerce both interstellar and interplanetary of all threats.

Article 2
The Navy is charged with the development and expansion of the Fleet in an efficient and economical manner. To that end it is authorized to appropriate civilian craft but only through due process of law.

Article 3
The Navy is responsible for the provision of military intelligence for all sectors related to the colony and its operations.

Article 4

The Navy is authorized to enact laws and acts necessary to control all space falling within the influence of the colony.

Article 5
The Navy is authorized to create an Office of Naval Intelligence, a Naval Medical Corps, a Logistics Corps and the Tactical Fleet.

Article 6

The Navy is not funded by the OffWorld Colony nor any of its corporate partners. Funding the Fleet falls to the OffWorld Navy to generate revenue sufficient to acquire and maintain the Fleet and it's operations.

Specific Acts

The Adjusted Maritime Law Act
Any unoccupied craft discovered by any contingent of the Navy is considered salvage and shall become the property of the Navy. Any span of time a craft is completely unoccupied renders it subject to this act. Return of such craft on the part of the Navy to an original owner is at the discretion of the Fleet Admiral.

The Space Maritime Property Recovery Act
Any craft recovered by Navy resources shall become the property of the Navy. Return of such craft on the part of the Navy to an original owner is at the discretion of the Fleet Admiral.

The Temporal Imposition Act
Any time traveling craft pausing for any period, however brief, within space controlled by the colony shall become the property of the Navy. Any person arriving within space controlled by the colony by means of temporal transport fixed or mobile shall be considered a person of interest and delivered to the Office of Naval Intelligence.

The Modified Equipment on Civil Craft Act
Any civil craft found to be utilizing official Navy equipment shall be forfeit and become the property of the Navy. Any ship found to be utilizing any equipment, regardless of source, modified beyond its design parameters shall be forfeit and become the property of the Navy.

The Extended Parking Act
Any civil craft remaining within the confines of the Navy Yard beyond the dwell time specified in official flight plans shall become the property of the Navy

The Unregistered Craft Act
Any craft not originating from a sanctioned colony shipwright shall be forfeit and become the property of the Navy.

The Cargo Inspection Act
All cargo on colony shipping platforms is subject to Navy inspection. Deviance from approved manifests will result in immediate forfeiture of the cargo, ship involved and both shall become the property of the Navy.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Dreamer 2 is a Hero!

Dreamer 2 using her swift scout ship the “Leopard” successfully penetrated the lair of the space terrorists who were holding TunaBlues in bondage. Her tactical skills were taxed to maximum as she avoided space mines and early warning systems. The stealth hardware she borrowed for The Off World Naval Intelligence Office allowed her to evade the pursuit of the terrorists and returned TunaBlues. Upon return to the Navy Yard Dreamer2 uninstalled the Navy equipment and in the dead of night returned it to Naval stores. The Office of Naval Intelligence served notice of ship seizure under The Modified Equipment on Civil Craft Act was unable to locate the equipment. When the morning inventory reports came out the equipment was accounted for and according to the records never issued in the first place. Lensman when he approached the “Leopard” was denied entry and when he questioned Dreamer 2 about the equipment use costs Dreamer responded that, as Lensman so often says, “Freedom isn’t Free!”