Monday, July 10, 2006

New Racer Created from Old Records

Using the records recovered from the Tracy Space Coupe, the Off World Navy Engineer Corps recreated a racing craft. These racers were reportedly used on a plannet called Tataouine, named for a real Tunisian town on ancient earth. The racer was driven by the legendary Skywalker of myth. While the Navy historical group is certian that no such person existed, they point out that men of earth were prone to name things after mythological heros and the gods of old. Never the less the craft does move as shown in the records, it is harder to control than depicted.

These craft were not capable of flight at significant altitude but were clocked at speeds exceeding 800kph. Additional data was recovered as well leaving hope that a second craft may be constructed and the art of racing these fine machines may grace the frozen deserts of Off World.


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