Friday, February 02, 2007

Accident with Geo-Thermal Powered Teleport Experiment

Utilizing blasters, scientists with the OffWorld Navy research laboratories vaporized a narrow hole all the way to the mantle of Pata. Geothermal energy generated by the excavation was to a power the new super-large ship interstellar teleport array. Unfortunately, upon activation an unexpected surge of energy fused the high energy transfer circuits. The surge also caused a cascade failure to the dedicated supercomputers controlling the teleport process. The resulting settings of the teleport array are unknown. The scientists are unsure as to the nature of the phenomenon that came into being immediately during the initial power on sequence. Current estimates are that the phenomenon is, in fact, a fourth dimensional plasma. Time travel is possible along the inside edge of the containing energy fields surrounding it (the access/mobius coil rings) . One scientist has been suspended from duty when it was discovered that he was meeting himself going off duty as he reported for duty. Apparently his future self was passing winning lotto numbers.
Oddly the plasma is exhibiting many behaviors expected of a black hole but without the damaging characteristics. The Naval research laboratory will continue to monitor the situation.
Universal Teleport Coordinates: pata 189.03N 101.84W 9.20a 75


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